But... among the many ‘sympathetic deformed’, with large heads and small bodies, large hands and big and sweet eyes, the most important work of all stands out, the one that the Bressani deliberately left out of media communication and the one that remained secret until the moment of the inauguration.
Not for technique, but for language mode, Flash brings us back with our feet on the ground, between the coherence of the man Stefano Bressani and the inconsistencies of the artist.
At the head of the 12 works 100x70x8 cm hanging on the walls, the largest sculpture (Flash) watches an aridden to the meaning of life almost as if to want to take back the lost time.
The real game rests on an unexpected change of direction, where the soul of a romantic comic like the one that came out of Gardner Fox's hat and the hands of the draughtsman Harry Lampert in 1940, wants to take everything back.
He is himself who, accustomed to living at an HYPER sonic speed, sees himself as the only one who has remained old, paradoxically watching over a school of children, who unlike him, have returned to play with themselves.
If you abandon yourself to images, let yourself be disoriented by concepts, give your eyes to what should not be explained because it is beautiful that Art can express itself, first of all, according to a “non-logical” that has a logic: they are called ideas, and ideas must necessarily be the result of a respectable and respected thought, a thought that knows how to generate a story to tell.
Everyone will come out with an opinion and perhaps a purpose, because in the lives of each of us, we can all aspire to be promoted from ‘super’ to ‘hyper’.
The conclusion of the story is left to you with a suggestion: maybe no matter at what speed you decide to run, perhaps the important thing is to understand that every trip leaves a deep sense, and even in this, perhaps, everyone has had the chance to start being a superhero for their own life and a hyperhero for the lives of others” (Press Release)
visit the Gallery (ph.Vaifro Minoretti for 1blog4u)
STEFANO BRESSANI Studio - Via Ludovico il Moro, 90 – 27100 Pavia (PV)
Phone: +39 349 38 55 416